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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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R8 vs R2xn10 differences?

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How do the R8 shafts compare to the R2 XN10 shafts?

I've been using xn10 (whip flex) shafts for a couple years now but I have to get a tapered shaft to work with some tapered blades that I recently got. Is the R8 basically the same in terms of puck-feel as the XN10? Do you think I should focus on finding a R2?

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This topic will provide a wealth of information.


Short version:

Shafts have very little impact on puck feel, that generally comes from the blade

R2 XN10 shafts are superior to any other shaft created in my humble (but often stated) opinion

One of our members is selling a couple whip flex R2 XN10 shafts, I'll mention this topic to him

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