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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vector 10.0 Review/Thoughts

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supposedly if you break it and send it back under warrenty you get a RBK SicKick back, pretty gay if you ask me.

as for the stick, I only shot around with it a few times, no slappers because I hadn't bought it but the wristers were pretty nice coming off it.

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supposedly if you break it and send it back under warrenty you get a RBK SicKick back, pretty gay if you ask me.

as for the stick, I only shot around with it a few times, no slappers because I hadn't bought it but the wristers were pretty nice coming off it.

What kind of source told you that? My best friend swears by CCM equipment and purchased one of these recently. He wanted to try out a lower flex than he was used to because he shifted to forward from defense and wasn't taking as many booming slappers so he went down a flex level by CCM standards, snapped it within the first week, sent in for warranty replacement and then sold the warrantied stick on fleaBay. He then used that money to buy the stick in his normal flex range because he did like the way the stick performed, although I never got the details from him all I heard was "It's effin amazing, best stick I have ever used, you should switch to CCM, blah blah blah." Biased MF. ;)

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softer blade than most other top-end OPSs, which may or may not be a bad thing for you. the mid flex i tried kicks like a mule, but without the cheap "plasticky" feel of the previous vectors (ive owned the 110, 120 and 130 - i'm not actually a fan of them but got the 120 free and the other 2 for cheap)

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.....all I heard was "It's effin amazing, best stick I have ever used, you should switch to CCM...

haha...i have one (ovechkin 75 flex) and keep in mind that im 5'11 150...and thejackal is right that thing's kick is THE BEST.

i swear by this stick, and although I never really buy the same stick 2wice..i might have to on this one...

great stick though i'd recommend it for anyone who wants a shooting stick

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Can anyone compare this to a 8.0, I was just using one and snapped in it half on a 1-1 and i loved the way i could take a snapshot, slapshot wasnt as good because it was a bit to whippy but i still decided to put a 10.0 Catapult on layaway and paying off the rest thursday.

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Can anyone compare this to a 8.0, I was just using one and snapped in it half on a 1-1 and i loved the way i could take a snapshot, slapshot wasnt as good because it was a bit to whippy but i still decided to put a 10.0 Catapult on layaway and paying off the rest thursday.

if the 8.0 is anything like the V130 then the feel on the 10.0 is better. not that you can feel the puck more per se, it's just that the blade is not solid core like the other vectors.

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Can anyone compare this to a 8.0, I was just using one and snapped in it half on a 1-1 and i loved the way i could take a snapshot, slapshot wasnt as good because it was a bit to whippy but i still decided to put a 10.0 Catapult on layaway and paying off the rest thursday.

if the 8.0 is anything like the V130 then the feel on the 10.0 is better. not that you can feel the puck more per se, it's just that the blade is not solid core like the other vectors.

I found with the 8.0 that evertime i recieved a crisp pass it would try to bounce off my blade, did you feel that with the 10.0 as much?

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as i said the blade is a bit softer than most others, so the 10.0 is better in that regard. i found the same thing with my V130, but its just something you have to work on

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Reading what you guys have to say and about the new U+ stick really has perked my interest in CCM sticks. Might have to pick one of these up eventually.

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If you like the 10.0, you better scoop them up pretty quick, because the new Vector 10s are not at all like the 10.0s and now appear to be a repainted Sickick. And yes, previously I had sent in a 10.0 for warranty, got back a Sickick and then broke another 10.0 and got back this new Vector 10 and like I said it just appears to be a Sickick with different graphics.

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so 40 kp is stiffer than the NBH's 75?

40 KP (kilo pasquales) is equivalent to NBH's 85. 35KP would be equivalent to NBH's 75.

they have normal numbers on there now...it looks like:

35KP Mid Flex 75

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Is the Grip on the new V10.0c similar to the "ZG Grip Texture" on the old V-130?

What is the feel of the "Clear" grip option like?


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Is the Grip on the new V10.0c similar to the "ZG Grip Texture" on the old V-130?

What is the feel of the "Clear" grip option like?



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Been using the stick for almost a month now and one thing i notice is that it chips really easily. One practice i thought it was going to break after i taking some slapshots, but it still going strong. All give an update once she breaks.

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Is the Grip on the new V10.0c similar to the "ZG Grip Texture" on the old V-130?

What is the feel of the "Clear" grip option like?



the V130 is a bit grippier

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Okay, thanks.

Anyone know what the "Clear" grip is like then?

another term for no grip

and another thing...

by Mid Flex 57" on an OPS...do they mean 57" shaft length...or from floor to top (including blade)?

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