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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Xbox 360 problem

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I've no idea about this and don't know if anyone will, but i thought i would throw it out. The other day i was playing my xbox then it just froze and restarted, but didnt start the game up,it just went the dashboard and said 'open tray' like there was no game in it, so i pushed the eject button and the disc drawer wont open at all, i had to do the pinhole trick to get the game out, can anyone help?

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but i thought i would throw it out.

There is your answer

by saying that I meant ill throw the question out to everyone to see if anyone could help sorry for the misunderstanding

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i'm surprised this thread has lasted so long without someone posting "just buy a ps3"....followed by 100 posts saying "360 rocks ps3 sucks blah blah blah"

on a serious side call the tech support line. For everything bad about MS,they do have a somewhat functioning warrenty and tech support department.

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