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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Weights

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I got a new pair of Supra 705s on order. I was wondering how much they weight in comparison to say a pair of NBH Supreme 50s. Also I am throwing some T blades on them when they get here, how much lighter are the T blades than the stock Cobra Bricks? I searched and wasn't able to find and threads about weighs, so please don't bite my head off.

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According to this, the 705 weighs around 1040 grams for a size 10 skate. Considering that the ONE90 weighs 750 grams (so the Supreme 50 weighs more), I'm guessing you're looking at a difference of around 100-150 grams.

I'd wait to hear others' answers, though. ;)

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According to this, the 705 weighs around 1040 grams for a size 10 skate. Considering that the ONE90 weighs 750 grams (so the Supreme 50 weighs more), I'm guessing you're looking at a difference of around 100-150 grams.

I'd wait to hear others' answers, though. ;)

keep in mind the 1040g was for a teclite version

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According to this, the 705 weighs around 1040 grams for a size 10 skate. Considering that the ONE90 weighs 750 grams (so the Supreme 50 weighs more), I'm guessing you're looking at a difference of around 100-150 grams.

I'd wait to hear others' answers, though. ;)

keep in mind the 1040g was for a teclite version

Mine are coming from Graf direct, so they will be the texalite or whatever the latest technology is. They weren't some left over skates from 3 years ago sitting in a shop, they had to be special ordered.

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The Grafs are definitely a heavier skate but thats because Grafs in general tend to be more durable than a lot of higher performance skate brands on the market. I've worn the 703 and 502 and to me it's really not a significant difference, you simply adjust to it. When your buying Grafs most guys are looking for a skate that will last them a while ,that performs well on the ice and are extremely comfortable from the get go. If your looking for extreme lightness and high performance go with a top end skate in another brand but be prepared to sacrifice a bit of durability. Remember that a lot of NHLers don't pay for their skates, their provided for them by the manufacturer they have decided to represent so durability is not an issue to them. They simply ask for a new pair when the other one wears out or breaks.

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