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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Question about Wicked 1 boot and chassis

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I promised to post this for a friend who lives in a black hole in terms of mission equipment:


I have a very mission specific question (actually alot of questions rolled into one..) , that none of my local shops here in can help with.

I have 2 teammates who are thinking about splitting up a pair of Mission Wicked 1's (one guy wants the boots the other the chassis). Problem is there is 2 sizes between them shoe-wise.

The guy who wants the boot is currently skating in a beat-up pair of Mission He 7500's size 11D that fit him perfect.

I'm guessing he'll still be a size 11D in the Wicked line (it's only this years syndicate line that's a little different in fit right?) and the chassis thus will be a size Large?

Will the Large Mg vanguard chassis fit on a size 7.5D vector Pro Ice skate? (he uses a size 5 Red Star alloy frame for comparison atm which fits the boot fine)

Thanks in advance!

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