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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mounting a Hummer to an rbk via RMS. Anyone tried it?

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I've started a pet project to put a hummer on a pair of Rbk 8k skates (the inline version). I'm trying with the Graf RMS screws since I'd seen some people have success with mounting sprung chassis with them. The problem I'm running into is that the outsole on the rbks is so slim that there isn't even enough room for the small graf nuts (ones designed for the forefoot) to fit into the heel. I tighten them down and they're still sitting a good 1/8" up off the sole which obviously isn't going to be any good for wearing. The heel nuts are even more outlandish, they stand up a good 1/4" when tightened.

Only thing I can think of is to add some heel/forefoot lifts to the insole to try and take up the slack but then I doubt the things will even fit with that much material in there. Just seeing what other's experiences were, if there were any.

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Hi, do you mind passing on the tips you got?



here's the advice from Sprungster

"The shafts are too long on the screws and the receivers that go inside the boot. If you can't get shorter ones, you have a couple of choices.

You can cut them all much shorter so the nut shaft is flush with the bottom of sole. Cutting this kind of hardware down is not easy to do, and you want to leave enough threads in the nuts to hold the screws.

Or you can open the holes in the frame so the nut shafts can go up into the frame. They may still stick out some, but there's less to cut off.

Or, get some 6-32 or 8-32 t-nuts with 1/4" screws for the front and maybe 5/16" or 3/8" for the rears. They may need a little trimming but nothing like the others."

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Hi, do you mind passing on the tips you got?



here's the advice from Sprungster

"The shafts are too long on the screws and the receivers that go inside the boot. If you can't get shorter ones, you have a couple of choices.

You can cut them all much shorter so the nut shaft is flush with the bottom of sole. Cutting this kind of hardware down is not easy to do, and you want to leave enough threads in the nuts to hold the screws.

Or you can open the holes in the frame so the nut shafts can go up into the frame. They may still stick out some, but there's less to cut off.

Or, get some 6-32 or 8-32 t-nuts with 1/4" screws for the front and maybe 5/16" or 3/8" for the rears. They may need a little trimming but nothing like the others."

Thanks alot mate,



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