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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer 8090 Skate Availability?

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There are usually a few pairs floating around on ebay every so often. If not, try and grab the Bauer S9's, as they are very similiar. I was looking for the 8090's and couldn't find them, so I just got the Bauer S9's from the NBH rep.

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If I'm not mistaken the S9 is not available to the public other than pro-returns and they are actually One90s made up to look more traditional in the 8090 sense.

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If I'm not mistaken the S9 is not available to the public other than pro-returns and they are actually One90s made up to look more traditional in the 8090 sense.

You've got it backwards, they are Supreme's made up to look like one90's.

Here is a site that claims to have pro return 500's, 3000's, and 2000's.....all sick skates in pro spec:


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If I'm not mistaken the S9 is not available to the public other than pro-returns and they are actually One90s made up to look more traditional in the 8090 sense.

you can try www.tsrhockey.com in salem nh, as the owner is the area NBH rep.

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This is completely why I want the 8090's. They pretty much are the S9's that are the one90 pro stocks. I would guess to venture that the pro's are on to something here. The 8090 is a much more durable skate than the 0ne90. I've had both.

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This is completely why I want the 8090's. They pretty much are the S9's that are the one90 pro stocks. I would guess to venture that the pro's are on to something here. The 8090 is a much more durable skate than the 0ne90. I've had both.

Plenty of Pros wear one90/one95's.......it's just personal preference for the pros. Some guys dont like the composite boot of the on90/95 and dont like the vapors either. s9's are Supreme Pro Stocks, one90 pro stocks are....wait for it....one90 pro stocks!

Bauer wants skates on the pros feet that Joe Beer Leauger can buy, so for these pros they dress a Supreme boot up to look like a one90. That is the reason for the s9- it's not about durability- it's marketing. The pros in the one90's can burn through as many pairs as they want, it's a drop in the bucket to them.

Joe Beer Leaguer isn't an equipment nerd like us, and unless you are in the first 5 rows at a game or the TV guys zoom in on the feet, Joe Beer Leaguer thinks the s9 guys are wearing one90's. Then Joe goes in and tries some flavor of the new supremes on and hopefully buys them. Ta-Da, everybody's happy- pro gets his supreme boot, NBH sells more slates- brilliant marketing if you ask me.

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I agree, thank god we're not the Joe beer leaguer type, at least in the equipment sense. Funny though, I cracked my one90's at the flex point on the side of the boot and my 8090's haven't had that problem. My Eyelets are pulling on these. I seem to go through 2 pairs of skates a season. Coaching 2 teams and playing approximately 2 times a week.

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Does anyone have any availability information on the Bauer 8090 skates size 8 EE?

Hi, I have a 8090 7.5EE not using anymore. (using the new vapor this year)

Condition is very good. I loved this skate and that's why still keeping it.

therefore, would let it go only if the price is rite. PM me if you are interested.


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I agree, thank god we're not the Joe beer leaguer type, at least in the equipment sense. Funny though, I cracked my one90's at the flex point on the side of the boot and my 8090's haven't had that problem. My Eyelets are pulling on these. I seem to go through 2 pairs of skates a season. Coaching 2 teams and playing approximately 2 times a week.

Speak for yourself....I am Joe Beer Leaguer.......with more money than sense (or skill)! ;)

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