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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate fitting vapor xxxx skates

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Hi all,

I have a pair of vapor xxxx skates in D width, the instep seems to be higher than the previous vapor xxx skates. This is a problem since I really have to thighten the laces alot to feel tight in my skates.

I am looking into several options

1- thicker tongue (stock tongue is very thin)

2- thicker insoles (any suggestions, I have flat feet)

3- another baking (skates are almost new)

What do you guys think would be my best option? Any combinations?

thanks in advance


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Same issue here. What I would do:

First thing I did was change the insole. That helped me. I like Shock Doctors but Superfeet are phenomenal as well.

I have debated putting in thicker tongues, like EWH has on their website. That would certainly reduce some of the volume the boot has. I actually solved my problem with a little bit of personal engineering. I take a pair of ankle socks, and I put them over the tongue. This has also solved my issue with the rubbing away of the hydrophobic liner of the skate. The tongue is so abrasive, that it just rubs the liner away. Putting the sock over the tongue has eliminated that problem for me, and has helped my volume issue.

I do not think baking would help that problem.

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