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Tackla Sizing and Fit

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I don't have any Tackla dealers near me and would like to know about the sizing on them. I'm looking at the 5000 Pro and 9000 Air. I would like to know which one has more mobility and I'm under the impression that the 5000 Pro's have more protection, correct? I am about 5'8 187 lb. and I'm currently in a pair of Large Vapor XXX-lites. They fit good, but if the Tacklas are longer than these then I'm guessing I would need a 2' short cut. Also, does anyone know if a size 52 in Tackla would be good coming from the size Large I'm in and how would the lengths compare?

I searched, but didn't see much on the sizing.

Any info is appreciated!

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I had a size small XX-lite, and tried on tackla 5000 (not the pro) in a size 48 which I felt was comparable, the tackla's were a tad longer, not by much but I feel the XX-lites are on the shorter side as far as pants go (I'm 5'6). you probably won't have a problem with the regular length if you don't mind some knee overlap. which I don't at all, but since I have not tried on the 5000 pro or 9000, those lengths may fit differently.

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At your size the 52 -2 length will fit you best. I am a bit smaller at 5'7", 180 with a 34" waist (wear size 33 pants). I used to wear the 9000 at size 50--they fit well, but were too long. I am now wearing the 9000 ACS size 50 with the -2 length--the fit is perfect.

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So does anyone know which one would have more mobility and which one is lighter between the 5000 Pro and the 9000 Air? Also, am I correct that the 5000 Pro's have more protection?

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I probably should have asked before, but I wasn't really considering them. Would you guys recommend the 9000 Air over the 5000 Air? I see that the 5000's are lighter, so other than that are there any main differences? I'm still trying to decide between these three pants and I'm sure they're all good pants I just don't see many differences between them.

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