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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sean Avery

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Everyone has a different opionion about New York Ranger's Sean Avery.

Wade Belak states that " The league should do something, especially with that warmup crap, The instigator rule protects guys like that. He'll fight little guys like Darcy but you'll never see him pick on bigger guys like me and then drop the gloves. Darcy's an agitator but he doesn't say the type of personal stuff about your family that Avery does," . "It's ridiculous. If (Avery) ever starts chirping about my family like that, he'll get a stick over the head."

Now people are always complaining that Sean Avery has a big mouth but Wade is talking to reporters about his about own teammates negatively.

This is coming from a guy who has less career goals than Martin Brodeur

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