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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Does anybody want to start knowledge bases on fitting RH skates, socks, swapping chassis, wheels, other important fundamentals? Maybe we can do this straight on Wikipedia.com, but something more geared towards hockey players rather than the general public would be better.

Anyone down to pitch in and revise some FAQ's/Guides/Wiki's?

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I was just thinking the other day we should have FAQs stickied at the top of each equipment section here. The problem it (it being Wiki's and Faq's) leads to is people trying things on less and less and just going off what the web says. I think it would be valuable though, so long as the first paragraph of any thing relates to actually trying gear on and personal preference issues

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Yeah, hopefully we can get something together which can be revised and looked over by multiple people.

I mean even basic stuff like which bearings fit which wheels, how to fit elbow pads, a general skate fit guide, chassis size charts etc. A disclaimer with the personal preference view in there could help steer some people away from that.

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Yea, thats sounds like an awesome idea. I would definitely be down for adding some guides and faqs and stuff.

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I was just thinking the other day we should have FAQs stickied at the top of each equipment section here.

Most people don't read the things that are posted.

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