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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor xxxx problem

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I have had my xxxx's since june. I normally skate 4 times a week. On my left skate, My inside ankle bone is really starting to hurt because it seems that all the padding is gone now? This pain just started happening. My ankle bone sits really close to the eyelet, so it looks like the padding is pushed back.

Can I heat the area and push the padding back or just take it to a shoe repair place and have more padding inserted.

Whats your suggestions? Thanks!

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I have had my xxxx's since june. I normally skate 4 times a week. On my left skate, My inside ankle bone is really starting to hurt because it seems that all the padding is gone now? This pain just started happening. My ankle bone sits really close to the eyelet, so it looks like the padding is pushed back.

Can I heat the area and push the padding back or just take it to a shoe repair place and have more padding inserted.

Whats your suggestions? Thanks!

Pictures always help :unsure:

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Hey the kid I work with and I both skate in the xxxx, he skates more than I do and is much harder on his stuff. The same thing you described happened to him he is down to just the plastic piece inside the skate, he has since switched to the one90 which seems to have helped him because the padding goes all the way up the side wall my xxxx's are only beginning to harden up [padding wise] Your best bet would be to go to a shoe maker, heating isn't going to bring any new padding into the skate. Hope that helps. I should also mention he now has a calcium deposit on his ankle.

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I live in The Netherlands and I have the same problem with my XXXX. It started already after a month with my skates. Some teammates of my and some guys of other teams in the league were I spoke with got it also. One of our equipment managers went to bauer rep from the Netherlands and showed mine to him. He had some excuses that we put them to long in the skate oven. But I did it the same time as mine one90 for 3 minutes. And my teammates didn't put them in the oven at all. So they would talk with the rep again. So I have to wait for that.

And to answer your question cmvondran they headed mine also and pushed the padding back. The result...ok for 1 practice. I skate now with foam in my skates.

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Get that fixed right now. You're going to end up with at least a severe bursa inflamation, maybe a bone spur (aka 'Bauer bone').

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I had the exact same thing happen to me last year with One90s and I'm now wearing XXXXs. I tried so many differnet things; hammering out the boot, custom socks with extra protection on the bone, a cut sponge, moleskin, tape, etc....and the only thing that worked enough that I could tolerate the pain to play was putting moleskin+a sponge covering in there and having the trainer tape it over. I had to have the boot adjusted to even be able to fit in my skate, but it definitely is serious if you don't take precautions. It went away after not skating for a while over the summer and I haven't had any problems since.

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I have 3 pair of XXXXs, and I haven't experienced that at all. I have heard stories from Utica college that players are complaining about this issue. I never had to bake my skates, as they felt perfect from the first lacing. The only issue I had was the abrasive tongue rubbing off the hydrophobic liner. I fixed that issue with a quick fix...put an ankle sock over the tongue. With my newer pair, I am not seeing the wear. For the other pairs, I have covered the areas of wear with black duct tape and placed the socks over the tongues. No more issues!

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I never baked my skates either, so I know its not an issue of over baking. I tried skating last night and they didn't bother me as much. I pulled the tongue over to try and cover that area. That seemed to help.

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