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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS R8 Damage

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Took a look at my 2 month old stick last night and noticed this:


Not being an expert on TPS construction, is that cosmetic or something to worry about?

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A weak spot in the finish can very well lead to a breakage. Keep in mind that most broken sticks start with a hairline crack.

I'd keep a backup stick handy.

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does the crack go beyond the paint itself? I second TBLfan ...

you could try putting some epoxy to try and prolong the life a little... but a backup would be beneficial

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Yeah that'll last a week, maybe two, but any longer than that and you just got lucky. It's definitely on its way out.

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The thing could last a week it could last a game, who knows. To me that just looks like paint chipping off the shaft. Ive got a TPS shaft with worse than that and the thing has lasted quite a while.

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It really could last a SHOT, a game, a week, a season... You don't know whats going on at the microscopic level.

But basic physics tells you that a weak spot is begging for breakage. With that size of a chip you have to take an educated guess that there's more further down. That's not a small chip, that's really big. That crack is the thing that I'd be worried about. Epoxy wouldn't hurt.

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