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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vector 10.0 vs Vector Pro fit

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Ive been skating in the Vector Pros size 10E for the last couple of years. I'm ready for some new skates and I found a good price on Vector 10.0s in a 9.5D. Anyone have an idea how these two skates differ in sizing? I heard the Pros were narrower than most and the 10.0 is wider. Would the 10.0 D be close to the Pro E? Length? I dont have a LHS that carrys this skate and I couldnt really find any threads that answered this, Thanks.

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i went from 2004 model vector 7.5's to 2007 model vector 10.0SE's. I cant feel a difference, but then again i've never had much of a problem with different skates like some people. This is what someone on epinions said:

"The fit is slightly more like a classic CCM in the new Vectors. While the toebox width is unchanged, there is a little more height than that of the Vector Pro. The ankle extends up a little higher in the Vector 10.0 than in the Vector Pro as well. It is still a slightly narrower boot than CCM’s Tacks line, fitting average in the heel, moderate in the midfoot and narrow to moderate in the forefoot. Instep height is a little improved from the Vector Pro with the added boot height. This is a good thing since there were some complaints of lace bite from players with high insteps and yes, the tongue is still very thin. However, poor fit is the culprit with lace bite in this skate, not a thin tongue."

The rest of the article is here:


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Thanks for the info. Definitely sounds like I could fit into a D with the 10.0. Im still not sure if I could pull off a size 9.5 though. I wear a 12.5 shoe and fit pretty tightly into my size 10 Vector Pros.

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Yeah I searched for a couple hours. I found all kinds of comparisons with the RBKs/10.0 but nothing really with the Vector Pros/10.0. I'm just wondering if the width has changed enough for me to go from Vector Pro E into a 10.0 D. As well as if there is any difference in length.

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The 10s appear to be just a little longer than the Pros in same size. I fit perfeectly fine in 7.5D in 10s but same size in Pro is short (by a couple of mm). No difference in fit between 10 and 10SE

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