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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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24 shooters...1 Goal!

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i think gagner's going to start getting the puck off the ice if he goes to that move again, the other times i havent seen him score on it was from a circus save by luongo, a rolling puck that he lost control of, and now this. It will still work imo, but he's gotta get that sucker off the ice

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It is true that most times I've seen it, the deke has worked. However, at what point does it become too predictable?

Anyway, Gagner didn't even hit Kolzig with that shot.

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It doesn't become predictable. He does it to both sides and his "move" is essentially putting 8 moves on inside the hash marks then deciding backhand or forehand. Plus he can get it up in the air. It's one thing if he comes in and does a simple backhand deke, but he gets the goalie moving and guessing, then decides. I don't see it becoming predictable.

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It doesn't become predictable. He does it to both sides and his "move" is essentially putting 8 moves on inside the hash marks then deciding backhand or forehand. Plus he can get it up in the air. It's one thing if he comes in and does a simple backhand deke, but he gets the goalie moving and guessing, then decides. I don't see it becoming predictable.

I've only ever seem him shoot off the forehand (after the little fake shot and deke to backhand), though to be honest I don't see much of Gagner.

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