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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Arch pain

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Hi All

I love my CCM vector 6, I had them for a little while, and they feel great best skate fit for me ever.

Over Christmas my wife gets me Vector 8's a much better skate stiff, lots of protection etc.

I started to break them in and a pain in the arch started to happen

The skate feel good on my feet just when I'm playing the pain starts.

The only difference is the footbed, the footbed for the vector 6 is thinner and is also a lot thinner in the arch area.

I wish I could find a thin footbed thats thin in the arch and does not take up a lot of volume, I tried gray superfeet, no help on that.

I called CCM and dealers no luck, I'm thinking a thin bauer footbed.

I don't want to keep switching the foot beds from the 6 to the 8 all the time.

I did try that and it helped alot.

any help guys.

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