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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Innovative Composite Pro Blade.

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I have here one Innovative Pro Blade with McCarty curve and my question is how it works for Rollerhockey with ball?

And very important is, what about durability on the sport court?

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Its all about how you shoot as far as the curve. But the graphite blades will hold up fine on the sport court, I personally dont like to tape the blade on sport court because I find with it taped it sticks to the floor a bit but untaped it almost feels like on ice

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I´ve been using these blades for ball and roller hockey for a couple of years. On sports, wood and even on coated asphalt courts. I have yet to break one. I used 3 shafts and 6 blades, swapping them around every now and then. They were in used for 2 complete season (about 2x 30 games) and practice twice a week. They didn´t really wear at all and I do a lot of slap-shots. Some chips from slashes and getting softer, which happens to every blade but none wore down on the bottom, which seems to be your concern. Hope this helped.

PS: I didn´t tape those blades

PPS: By not wearing down I mean they did not wear down to a point where the bottom would fall out or you could see the foam.

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