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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sande Equipment

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Welcome to the boards! I notice that this is one of your earlier posts so let me jump in before others to see if I can alleviate some of some posts that might typically be taken as mildly hostile?

Anyway, many topics, such as this, have been covered before. It's always best to review the material out there and if those don't answer your question then either choose a thread that most closely does or THEN open a new topic with something a bit more specific to your question (for example, has anyone had an issue with the triger-finger on the 2005 Sande MaxQ glove).

NOW, the best way to go about this is to use the search feature (see the yellow band near the top of the screen, just slightly right of center). So long as the key word/phrase you're looking for is at least 4 characters long, you should be good to go. I'd also recommend by choosing the SEARCH TITLES function as well as it will help hone in on topics more directly limited to what you're likely looking for.

Welcome to the boards, and happy hunting!

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I agree with the search thing. But I'm going to take a different road on this one. I find it intriguing how these companies get a start and try to make thier mark in a market that has established big name players. I admire Sande's willingness to get going. I have a buddy who coaches a midget team that is now "sponsored" by Sande. I asked him about it and he said this. "They gave us gear cheap, what can I say. Like I care what name is on it as long as the team wins" Fair enough. That' all I have to say.

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i have a pair of sande max980 gloves and i love them. i like them just as much as my old MIAs and they were about half as much.

finding them was a hassle though.

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