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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Widening skates

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Is there any other safe method to widen skates other than punching/stretching? I've been calling around and no one around me offers this service. My Mission Lieutenants are too narrow for me around the outside of my foot just after the toe cap/ after my pinky toe....width is perfectly fine after this point.

I didn't think it was going to be a big deal when I was trying them on, the width issue wasn't really noticeable until I went through an intense 2-hour practice with them. They hurt pretty bad while I was skating, but my foot started hurting even more after taking them off. Pain so bad I could barely stand up, plus the aforementioned area of my foot was bright red. This happens after every practice/game now.

I'm not looking to drastically widen the whole skate...just make the area right after the toecap a hair wider.

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How does skipping an eyelet help opening up a solid plastic toe cap? You need to find something you can put in there and then heat it up with care. Crappy advice, but I think you need to get creative...

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I had this problem once and went to a shoe shop and told them. They put like a wooden foot in it that they expanded it to widen the boot. They just let the boots sit for a couple days and it worked.

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How does skipping an eyelet help opening up a solid plastic toe cap? You need to find something you can put in there and then heat it up with care. Crappy advice, but I think you need to get creative...

I don't know how it does but I'm passing on advice I got and tried that was all.

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I had this problem once and went to a shoe shop and told them. They put like a wooden foot in it that they expanded it to widen the boot. They just let the boots sit for a couple days and it worked.

that idea sounds like a winner...i was thinking of trying to wedge something wider in them myself,,, probably should just leave it to the professionals

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You should see if there are any shoe repair stores in your area. They have a machine that basically stretches that area.

Another heat fit would also help. If you do heat fit again, stand up perfectly straight to allow the boot to wrap around your foot. Do not flex, as this will break the boot down.

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Home remedy...I did to my buddies wheels..worked like a beauty. I steamed the living hell out of em. Boiling pot of water and let the steam enter the boot...For a while, made everything nice and pliable. Then i grabbed a strong plastic beer glass....and shoved it in there..steamed some more so the boot would grab the contour and then tightly laced em up so they would comform to it. It worked perfect. After he baked them to his foot again and he never had a problem since. Worked once, might work again

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