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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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whats up boys!

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if any of you were hard of hearing and were required to wear hearing aids would you wear them on the ice?

i always take them off when i play hockey because im afraid if i get hit on the ear it will cause serious injury since the ear mold will be pressed inside your ear and another downside is when you sweat you could ruin thousand dollars worth of technology.

i recently tried hearing aids while on the ice and it improved my game because i didnt have to work extra hard looking around i could hear the sticks tapping the ice behind me and my line mates yelling. and i thought shit man.. i gota try this often. most hearing aids are behind the ear but when i played last time i kinda let them loose to avoid sweat it waas just the earmold that was staying in. it looked weirde having thngs come out of your ear lol.

most helmets come with that peice that covers your ears unfortunally it doesnt work quite well with hearing aids on because anything too close to the ear peice can cause feed back. so i had to remove them.

at this point im willing to do anything to become a better player on the ice.

have u guys played agianst deaf people who tried this? or does anyone know any solutions? help would be appricated..

thanks boys.

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I'm so glad to read that your'e playing regardless of your challenge. I will go as far as to say contact a major manufacturer. Maybe they would be willing to take up the challenge to come up with something. It would be great PR for them.

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There was a guy a long time ago and I can't remember his name skirting on the dege of going pro, playing very high caliber hockey. He couldn't really hear at all without his hearing aids. He wore them during games without any major problems. The only problem as I recall was if his helmet got knocked/ripped off it would take the aids with it. He then couldn't hear the whistle or ref, leading to a penalty or two.

Found a link on google guess he was better than I remembered, or different guy same story.


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Well Steve Downie plays with at least one in, and has gotten into a couple of scraps with them, during which one fell out. Admittedly I don't know much about hearing aids, but it appeared to just be an in-ear insert, without any part of it outside of the ear.

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Well Steve Downie plays with at least one in, and has gotten into a couple of scraps with them, during which one fell out. Admittedly I don't know much about hearing aids, but it appeared to just be an in-ear insert, without any part of it outside of the ear.

If it will work for you, this style of hearing aid may be your best bet. It may be costly, but I'm sure there are manufactures that make an aide that is more resistant to harsher enviorments. Also, experiment with different ear protectors- I would try cutting them down a bit and seeing if it lessens or eliminates feedback. Good luck and let us know how you make out.

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Have to say I admire the dedication...I always like hearing these stories. When I was moving into bantam from pee-wee I developed a massive infection in my right ear causing me to lose 40% hearing and requiring surgery. We determined the cause to..believe it or not, the ear protector. At the time I had a CCM and they actually had foam on the ear piece. Psuedomonis grew on the foam and infected my ear. It was absolutely awful. After that I always removed the ear pieces but to this day 12 years later, I wash my helmet in the dishwasher every couple weeks or so. Every try maybe wearing like an Under Armour skull cap underneath your helmet? it would keep the aid in place and even if your helmet popped off that should be enough to keep it there...at least without getting lost..just a thought. Let me know how it works out for ya regardless.

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more rugged hearing aids

Don't know if you've seen this, but this is what I turned up on Google. I would assume if you are wearing a BTE model that your hearing loss is likley too profound to wear CIC models. But some of these listed seem like they may be what you are looking for. Also, another site mentioned a "dry kit" that removes moisture after use. That may be something to check out as well.

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Have to say I admire the dedication...I always like hearing these stories. When I was moving into bantam from pee-wee I developed a massive infection in my right ear causing me to lose 40% hearing and requiring surgery. We determined the cause to..believe it or not, the ear protector. At the time I had a CCM and they actually had foam on the ear piece. Psuedomonis grew on the foam and infected my ear. It was absolutely awful. After that I always removed the ear pieces but to this day 12 years later, I wash my helmet in the dishwasher every couple weeks or so. Every try maybe wearing like an Under Armour skull cap underneath your helmet? it would keep the aid in place and even if your helmet popped off that should be enough to keep it there...at least without getting lost..just a thought. Let me know how it works out for ya regardless.

wouldn't a skull cap only cover the head and not the ears? That is a pretty good idea though,maybe there is something else that can cover over your ears to keep the hearing aid from falling out

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hey boys

thanks for the replies i know what skull caps are but those wont work. when ur wearing a bte hearing aid its best objects are kept away from it since it causes feedback.. u dont wanna drive your teamates and coaches nuts. the small ones dont work much for me because i have a profound hearling loss but the good thing is i can carry a normal conversation with my hearing aids on because i read lips and hear at the same time. im want to be able to communicate on that bench.so i will be contacting the audiologist anytime soon.

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hey boys

thanks for the replies i know what skull caps are but those wont work. when ur wearing a bte hearing aid its best objects are kept away from it since it causes feedback.. u dont wanna drive your teamates and coaches nuts. the small ones dont work much for me because i have a profound hearling loss but the good thing is i can carry a normal conversation with my hearing aids on because i read lips and hear at the same time. im want to be able to communicate on that bench.so i will be contacting the audiologist anytime soon.

Explain your needs thoroughly and hopefully he/she will be able to point you in the direction of some manufacturer/models that will suit your situation.

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