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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Good shinguards

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Just from browsing it looks like the rbk line is getting the best reviews. I've got a bad left knee and I'm just looking for something that will protect it pretty well. I've got some nike/bauer's that I've had for a year or two with two cracked knee caps. I wasn't particularly thrilled with them. I'm leaning towards the rbk 6k right now from what all i've heard, but i'd be more than willing to look at others. I haven't heard anything about the mission or itech's. Also, i wear about a 14" in the NBH's if anyone has advise on fit for other pads. Thanks.

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jofa always had the best protective gear...generally..which now bears the rbk name...they're lightweight...comfortable, and offer great protection. all a matter of preference. I always say put on a skate and pad and move around...see how it feels how it moves..etc. Best way to find what's right for you.

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Yeah, I would love to be able to go to the store and try some on. Unfortunately, there is no store. So I'm limited to recommendations and reviews and hope for the best. Can anyone with the 6k's tell me if the top strap is stretchy or not? The strap on mine now has absolutely no 'give' and to get it tight enough to work, it then digs into the back of my leg.

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Ironically enough I bought that same pair recently after my gear got stolen. I tore the straps out. I have never used straps. I use tape. For that exact reason. I never found it comfortable having straps. I like them a lot. Reason I got those is because of the two pads on the inner leg. They actually keep the pad away from the leg slightly. I play ice and roller and block shots frequently. Because of that I find they absorb the shot better giving off less bounce. I highly recommend them the work great for me and they also fit well over the skate and give great mobility on the upper leg too. If my opinion holds any value I say go with them. Decent price too.

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I've got a bad left knee, with a torn ACL and strain MCL. Right knee isnt as it used to be, started to creak a little. I've got two knee braces that I'm using at the moment.

I'm currently using some Mission Subzero shin pads, very protective, and very light. I've also got a pair of bauer vapor 10's. These pads are pretty good and protective, and also allow me to use them on top of the knee braces.

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anything Jofa, now RBK, is going to be a good deal as they generally make the most well regarded protective. I personally use the Mission Fuel 85 and love them, also a good buy.

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Yeah, I would love to be able to go to the store and try some on. Unfortunately, there is no store. So I'm limited to recommendations and reviews and hope for the best. Can anyone with the 6k's tell me if the top strap is stretchy or not? The strap on mine now has absolutely no 'give' and to get it tight enough to work, it then digs into the back of my leg.

The top strap is a lock strap so not elastic like the other two.

I have 4k's right now, the fitlite straps are great for minimizing direct impact to the knees.

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I think the favorite pair of shins i've ever had were those old blue/white/green mission matrix's with the sleeve around the back. Anyways. I don't really need a ton of extra protection on the shin or anything. I'm just playing roller hockey in a mostly recreational league, and i primarily play forward. I just need a pad that has sufficient knee padding and that i'll be able to fit a brace under. With that said, the fuel 85 looks pretty decent and cost quite a few pennies left. I'm actually about 6'2" 240 but i like the length of a 14" shin pad. I've tried on 15's and they just feel uncomfortable to me. Sometimes that means that they don't really fit around my calves all that well.

How do the fuel 85's and rbk 6k's fit width and depth wise?

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If you are really worried about the padding, you may consider using some volleyball knee pads under your shin pads as well. It will get hot, but there is a lot of padding.

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I guess its not so much that i need some super beefy pads, but more just knowing that certain models are actually good, and not just a bunch of marketing or something. I learned a long time ago (first with guitars) that if something is marked off of its list price by A LOT it probably was over priced by A LOT to begin with. Prices don't always mean much, but reviews do. Thanks for all the help and i'm still open to any comments or suggestions so keep em coming!

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my calves are 16" around and the 85's fit very well. The little wing for the back of the calve actually has a little bit extra when I strap them down. For rec league they're perfect, but that's just my .02

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I have patella tendonitis in both my knees and went with the Easton Stealth shinguards I believe. More expensive then I would've liked to spend but they had a ton of support and padding for the knee and I highly recommend them.

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I know you mentioned that you don't like NBH, but you may still want to consider the One90 Shins. I don't yet know about durability, but so far they are great. They fit really snug and don't move around during games, and they protect really well too.

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Jofa/RBK and Itech are normally safe best. Itech is kind of a sleeper pad- dosen't get much press but it's good stuff. Can be had on the cheap online.

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I ordered some mission fuel 85's last night. Should be here friday or monday. There is some sort of relationship between mission and itech, isn't there?

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I ordered some mission fuel 85's last night. Should be here friday or monday. There is some sort of relationship between mission and itech, isn't there?

It's the same company.

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I ordered some mission fuel 85's last night. Should be here friday or monday. There is some sort of relationship between mission and itech, isn't there?

I have had 2 major knee surgeries on my left knee, and have been using the Fuel 110's for about 2 years. They are a good and protective pad, but they don't have the most pillowy knee cradles. I recently switched over to the RBK 6K, and they mimic the width and depth/volume of my 110's, but with better and more comfortable padding. I also like the lack of pad extensions with the 6K above the knee cap.

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IMO vector 10.0, best shins ever. Also, Bauer lightspeeds are very good. You might also try the new bauer defender shinguard, for added protection.

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I've been using some new Vector 10.0's for a little more than a month now. I had some old 110's I was using. It's a world of difference. I play d and block quite a few shots. These are pretty amazing. My only complaint is the straps across the calf guard only have velcro on small portions of the straps as opposed to long strips of veclro. Prevents you from pulling the straps really tight. They stay tight enough for my preference, but others probably would need different straps.

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I got my fuel 85's last night. They are by far the most protective and biggest pad i've ever gotten. I put my knee brace (basic McDavid open patella brace) on and they meshed up great. The top strap is more comfortable since its stretchy, but i feel its definitely necessary to tape them. The removable liner pads are super thick... almost too thick. I looked at taking them out but then you don't really have any 'soft' padding. I'm thinking once i actually break them in a little bit they're going to be great. My only concern is that when i drop straight down the bottom of the knee cup sort of pokes under my knee/shin. But then i tried my old pads and they do this a little too. But they're fine taking a fall at an angle, and who ever falls straight down perfectly perpendicular to the foor?

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