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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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shin pads with wide kneecap?

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I will have to play with one of those composite-knee-braces for an extend period of time and I am having trouble fitting them under my current shin pads which are the old JDP5090 by Jofa.

I will need something with a wider knee cap but yet still rather slim down the shin because my legs are very "slim" so to say. I haven´t been looking at shin pads for over 10 years so I have no idea what´s out there or has been in recent years. Any suggestions?

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go with bauer. I've played for many years (still do) with composite knee braces on both knees, and have had success with both bauer and mission.

I've got chunkier calves too from all those years of soccer.

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The problem I had with the older Bauer models was that they wouldn´t stay in place down low, no matter the amount of tape.

Around the ankles my leg is so thin actually when I grap around it with my thumb and middle finger they touch each other. :rolleyes:

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I have no issues fitting my brace over my 6K's. Probably one of the widest knee caps that are available, and a very protective and comfortable pad for my non-braced knee also.

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5K's with the liner removed, widened a little to fit over top of a DonJoy brace. I just had to cover the velcro that holds the liner for comfort and to stop it from ripping up my socks. For the other leg I leave the liner in. Takes some getting used to, but now I don't notice the difference.

When shopping for new pads, I though the NBH's looked a little narrow.

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give the new mission 120 XP shins a try.... freakin WIIIIIIIIIDE. if i was in the market for a new pair, i'd definitely go with those on account of their wider fit. they do fit a little on the short side, though.

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