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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Go Pio's


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Fellow Mod Squad'ers:

After 5 1/2 years at Harrow Sports, I have elected to move on to a different industry (aeronautic mapping, if you can believe it). I've enjoyed reading your posts through the years and I have learned a great deal through this wonderful forum and people like Chadd and JR. Keep up the excellent work guys!

As a result of my departure, I might not be able to answer many specific questions pertaining to Harrow and their new products. I have encouraged another one of our employees to become an active member of MSH. His name is Timm and his user name is "TL Harrow/Christian". Feel free to shoot Timm any questions you might have.

I will continue to poke my head in the forum on occasion just to see how many knuckleheads ask the inevitable recurring question of "who makes a wooden tapered blade?" I can't believe after all these years people still ask that question. Shame on you! :rolleyes:



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If you have any gear you need to get rid of send me a pm... Just kidding man, thanks for the answers. You've helped answer a lot of questions.

Best of luck.

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