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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone cut a mission fuel Ti-Pro before?

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Okay, strolled into totem here and ran across a tom gilbert fuel ti pro prostock with a cracked blade. 85 flex and the shaft in still good condition for $40, i decided to give it a try as im low on cash and had some spare tapered blades sitting around. anyways, i cut the shaft pretty low to start where it looks like its just wide enough to fit a tapered blade in, and see that on 1 wall of the shaft (RH shot, looking down at the blade it would be on the right hand wall) is kind of a convex of material.

Is this the titanium in the shaft or...?

it made the opening considerable smaller, tried fitting the blade in, too small, cut it a bit higher, and really filed it down to decrease the convex, and it still bulged when i put the blade in (got it in all the way though). I think ill just have to cut a tiny bit higher and go from there, but does anyone know what the little bulge is in there?

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With regards to the Titanium in this stick.....my understanding is that it is a Ti weave/sock that is wrapped around the exterior of the carbon of the shaft as an impact/shock dampening material. I don't believe that it is on the inside of the shaft.

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