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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Replacing Holders on Ultra G5s

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OMG second topic today, I'm on a roll. Anyways searched all T'blade topics, none fit my question specifically.

T'blades come in this week. I am excited to try them. If they don't work out, I know some of the holes from them will match LS2, but not all. My question is, would it be smart to just go back to Cobras or to put LS2 on them? I take it too many holes in the outsole is bad for business...can they be filled with any kind of epoxy/resin? It seems to be almost the same consistency of a hard epoxy. How many holes from T'blades actually match up with LS2? Cobras with LS2? My main concern is too many holes in the boot/outsole. BTW the Pro Shop that is installing them ensured me they drill tiny, tiny holes for T'blade system installations.

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i don't know if this will help, but tblades have plenty of holes throughout the holder, not just 8 or 12,they are spaced throughout the whole t-blade holder.

Maybe you could get them to see if any of the holes available on the tblades would match closely with the ls2's just in case?

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