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Skate sizing help..

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I'm sure you guys are sick of seeing this thread.. but..

My LHS has a, shall we say, limited selection of skates in stock to try on, and the "help" leaves a lot to be desired. I know it's virtually impossible to provide an answer to this question but the more info I have the better educated guess I can make, assuming I can't find a better LHS around here.

I am going to go to the next closest LHS (about a 45 minute drive) on either tuesday or wednesday after work, hopefully they'll have a larger selection in stock. I know they sell Grafs, which I'd like to try on based on how a lot of guys here and at hfboards seem to love Graf skates.

Anyways, the only skate I could try on that was even close to my size were some size 8.5D and then 10D NB Vapor's. I wear a 10-10.5 (depending on the shoe) D skate(board) shoe. I'm guessing I need a 9, but think (at least for Bauer) I'd need a wider skate.

Using rental skates I get some bad arch and some shin pain. Last time I don't remember the shin pain but had upper leg pain in my right leg only, but I may just be accustomed to having the shin pain so I just ignored it...

A few websites suggested that you measure your feet and send them the info for a better chance of getting a proper fit right away, I tried that and didn't get a response from those sites..

Here's the measurements in case it helps, both of my feet are ~10-7/16" long and 3-7/8" wide at the widest point (just behind the little toe) - with socks on, thicker socks than crew socks.... I think I have a moderate arch height or whatever it's call, not flat footed as far as I know.

I was looking at Nike Bauer skates, likely a Vapor XXV, partly because that's all the LHS had in stock in adult, non goalie skates and partly because I remember hearing good things about Bauer's from friends that played many years ago.

I am open to any brand to be honest, for $350 or less. I am a beginer but would rather get a better skate then one I'd have to replace in 6 months. I have experience on roller skates ("quads" I guess they are called now) but very little on ice skates.

I'm 5'11", 205-210lbs.

Any other info helpful?

Sorry about the long first post, I have most of my other gear selected, but with the beg. league starting March 1st, I'm hoping I can get the "right" skate the first time (fit wise at least). I don't want to buy skates online unless it's a last choice, but my experience with local shops has been so dismal I figured it's something I should ask about here to at least get some educated guesses just in case.

Thanks in advance for any information!

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Well i would recommend, like you said, getting a good first pair of skates, rather then a cheap set. They are the most important piece of equipment.

The XXV is suppose to be a good skate, you can read a review about it on this site. Bauer is a good company, and have always made good skates, but you have to try on a wide assortment of skates, especially since it is going to be your first pair. CCM, RBK, Bauer, Graf, Easton, maybe find some missions.

You will know when a skate fits you, if there is a hot spot of two, skates now usually get baked, and molded to your foot. So they usually go away. Get your foot measured properly, on the measuring board and go from there. Once you find a pair that you feel fits, try the next .5 size down if possible. That is what a lot of the skate guys here do.

Remember, you are the customer dropping $XXX on skates. Try on a crap load, and see what works. I swear by Bauers, and CCMs kill my foot. My friend has the opposite problem. It is what you feel good in.

There really isn't any... i have such and such a foot, so you need such and such a skate.

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this is a rough time of year to shop when you don't know what you need. Stock is limited in most shops as they clear the way for new shipments.

I would not drop $350 on a skate unless you know it fits. Even then you may not actually know it fits - you just think you do! As you skate you will learn what you like and don't like about your skates and you'll end up buying new ones as you seek to correct the problems. I have been playing for 2 years and I'm on my 3rd pair. They fit ok and each pair has fit better than the previous pair, but I can't wait to try on some of the new models coming out - especially the CCM U+. I'm hoping the next pair really nails it.

So, what I am saying to you is that if you are a beginner, you more than likely will replace your skates in a short period of time if you are really serious about a good fit. If not, maybe you will get lucky. food for thought.

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this is a rough time of year to shop when you don't know what you need. Stock is limited in most shops as they clear the way for new shipments.

I would not drop $350 on a skate unless you know it fits. Even then you may not actually know it fits - you just think you do! As you skate you will learn what you like and don't like about your skates and you'll end up buying new ones as you seek to correct the problems. I have been playing for 2 years and I'm on my 3rd pair. They fit ok and each pair has fit better than the previous pair, but I can't wait to try on some of the new models coming out - especially the CCM U+. I'm hoping the next pair really nails it.

So, what I am saying to you is that if you are a beginner, you more than likely will replace your skates in a short period of time if you are really serious about a good fit. If not, maybe you will get lucky. food for thought.

On the flip side of that, this time of year is a great time to snag a sweet pair of skates for a good proce - stuff is going on clearance by this time of year, so you can probably turn your $350 into a pair of $500 skates, or get a pair of $350 skates for much less than that.

For the most part, however, I agree. I have been at the skate search for a few years, and I have been playing hockey for nearly 30 years...just because it feels good on your foot in the store does not mean it will be the right skate on the ice, and since you will be very inexperienced, you won't even know what to look for. My advice would be to go to the other store, check out their selection, have a pro look at your feet and offer some suggestions, and listen to him. By your size and skating experience, I would stay away from ultra-stiff pro-level skates - XXV, Vector6.0, Mission 95XP or AG - something in that price range should be a good start.

Good luck - I love looking at the new skates in the shop, but I hate shopping for the bastards.

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I have Vapor XXV in 9.5D. My foot is 11.25 inches long and 4.25 inches wide.

My toes feather the toe cap and they're a little snug at the toes.

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Thanks for all the info/advice so far.

I spoke with the LHS that's about 45 minutes from me to confirm they were open tonight, which they are. Kinda sucks that they didn't actually return the message I sent for them (I'm always a little annoyed by that - it's not very hard to return the call of someone that wants to give you money...), but we'll see what kind of stock and employees they have.. I don't think it could possibly be worse than the LHS at the rink I'll be using at least...

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Went to the other hockey shop tonight, from the stock they had, a 8.5 D NB Supreme 50 fit best, but I think it was a little too big. They are going to order a 8.0 D so I can try that out. Would it be worth considering the Supreme 70 considering my HT/WT? (5'11" / 205-210lbs)

If so I'll try to get him to order the Supreme 70 in 8.0D as well.

The vapor series fit OK in a 8.5, but seemed to have a bit too much arch pressure. They didn't have any Graf's in my size.

I also tried on some CCM Vector 10's (all they had in an 8) and it fit good except for the instep/arch, and felt like a little too loose in the heel? Tried a few eastons as well, didn't seem to fit too well, one was close, but then the next size higher was less comfortable, but a different model. :shrug: Didn't try any RBKs, not interested in the pump, I would imagine they'd break like the shoes did..



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Sooo.. this still isn't worked out..

The LHS that is 45 minutes away failed to place the order for over a week for the skate I requested, and now they are completely unsure it seems as to when they'll arrive. They should have ordered them Feb 6th/7th, called to check the status on Feb 14th, "uhh yeah those are on the way, should be here within a week", feb 21st comes "yeah we ordered those on the 14th, they are coming from canada and should be here no later than monday. Monday (ysterday) comes, "They aren't here yet." I ask if they'll have them by wednesday, they reply "Yeah sure, they'll be here by wednesday".

Would it be "wrong" to go to another shop? The shop that's 5 minutes away that originally sucked turned into a very good shop once the Manager arrived. He's VERY customer service oriented and will let me use some of their skates if I don't have something by saturday, the problem is that the Bauer line is OOS it seems (at least in the US) for the Supreme 50 and Supreme 70 in 8.0D. I tried on a set of RBK 9k's in 8.0D which fit very well actually (once pumped up), which are the skate's he's willing to let me use saturday (they are used, or an employees, I have no idea). Obviously I'd like to just give him my business now instead, but what's the level of RBK I should look at?

Thanks, sorry to drag this out, trust me I'm likely more frustrated now than anyone :(

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Sooo.. this still isn't worked out..

The LHS that is 45 minutes away failed to place the order for over a week for the skate I requested, and now they are completely unsure it seems as to when they'll arrive. They should have ordered them Feb 6th/7th, called to check the status on Feb 14th, "uhh yeah those are on the way, should be here within a week", feb 21st comes "yeah we ordered those on the 14th, they are coming from canada and should be here no later than monday. Monday (ysterday) comes, "They aren't here yet." I ask if they'll have them by wednesday, they reply "Yeah sure, they'll be here by wednesday".

Would it be "wrong" to go to another shop? The shop that's 5 minutes away that originally sucked turned into a very good shop once the Manager arrived. He's VERY customer service oriented and will let me use some of their skates if I don't have something by saturday, the problem is that the Bauer line is OOS it seems (at least in the US) for the Supreme 50 and Supreme 70 in 8.0D. I tried on a set of RBK 9k's in 8.0D which fit very well actually (once pumped up), which are the skate's he's willing to let me use saturday (they are used, or an employees, I have no idea). Obviously I'd like to just give him my business now instead, but what's the level of RBK I should look at?

Thanks, sorry to drag this out, trust me I'm likely more frustrated now than anyone :(

Sounds like there are some slackers working at those shops. HS kids generally arent great employees for skate shops, but I've run into a few exceptional ones as well. Your best best is to meet with the manager and be honest as to what you need and have him fully explain the options you have..Let him know you're spending a good deal of money and you expect good service from him in kind.

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Sounds like there are some slackers working at those shops. HS kids generally arent great employees for skate shops, but I've run into a few exceptional ones as well. Your best best is to meet with the manager and be honest as to what you need and have him fully explain the options you have..Let him know you're spending a good deal of money and you expect good service from him in kind.

Agreed. Sadly, the shop that was supposed to order the skates in early Feb was the OWNER of the store. He's a good guy (and an ex-pro) but he's only around (it seems) on nights that he's skating. They are still not answering their phone at that shop, and I can't wait any longer so I'm just going to tell them to forget it when I do reach them and order whatever I can get that will fit from the closest shop's manager now.

As for the local shop (the one that closest - 5 minutes away) The younger guys/possibly HS kids haven't been the best, which the manager was interested to hear about. It's not so much that they aren't somewhat helpful when you go and bother them, but if I'm looking at equipment they should ASSUME initially that I am looking to buy some stuff, and you know, ask me questions to decide what I need/want. I'm now dealing with the manager directly at the closest shop and am having a great experience with him. I went into his shop before a business trip last week to check out helmets and the fact that he was actually helping has resulted in close to $600 in sales for him this week, and will likely be another $3-400 or so before the end of the week, all business that the other shop that I originally had a great deal of faith in has lost.

So anyone in Tampa, deal with Allen at Rinkside sports at ISF, he's the best guy I've dealt with now, by far.

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I'm going to make an educated guess in that the shop you went to to order skates was a Beaudin's Hockey Zone, either at TBSA -or- Ellenton Ice Igloo? I ordered a pair of Grafs from the Igloo location AND PAID up front, and two months went by and they still weren't here. Now Graf has bad customer service I know, but geez. Also I ordered a T blades set from the TBSA location and they took a month and a half to come in. When I skated on the T blades the first time, some knucklehead took me out and went skate to skate with me and shaved two inches off my first left runner. When I went to the pro shop to buy a replacement pair, after all the bullshit they put me through and after me sticking with them on the purchase, they wouldn't cut me a deal on the replacement pair of runners and I paid full price of 21 and change for them. Needless to say, I ordered a few pairs online after that.

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If I were you, I would just ask around for the best hockey shop in your general area...devote a saturday or sunday to driving a few hours or more if necessary to get to some place where you can try a good selection of skates and be properly fitted.

I went through the same thing as you, trying to buy skates at a local shop with HS kid employees and a small selection. They gave me the runaround, and of course did their best to convince me that the skates they had were perfectly fine, even though I insisted I needed another size. You shouldn't waste time dealing with these types, just make the drive to get to a good shop.

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Dude [usahockey22] we live in Florida...any LHS at any time throughout the year has 1 or 2 models in your size, that's it. There are no big selections around here.

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I'm going to make an educated guess in that the shop you went to to order skates was a Beaudin's Hockey Zone, either at TBSA -or- Ellenton Ice Igloo? I ordered a pair of Grafs from the Igloo location AND PAID up front, and two months went by and they still weren't here. Now Graf has bad customer service I know, but geez. Also I ordered a T blades set from the TBSA location and they took a month and a half to come in. When I skated on the T blades the first time, some knucklehead took me out and went skate to skate with me and shaved two inches off my first left runner. When I went to the pro shop to buy a replacement pair, after all the bullshit they put me through and after me sticking with them on the purchase, they wouldn't cut me a deal on the replacement pair of runners and I paid full price of 21 and change for them. Needless to say, I ordered a few pairs online after that.

Good guess. Of course, that's about all that's in town right? CIA/Sunblades "pro shop" is.. uhh.. a bit more focused on figure skating.

It was with Norm Beaudin that the order was placed, and it's almost impossible to get in touch with those guys unless you catch them when they are free.. you could leave a voicemail but good luck getting it back - that's my experience so far anyways. Same with email.

Where do you play? Starting Beg. at ISF, haven't skated anything in quite a few years...

Dude [usahockey22] we live in Florida...any LHS at any time throughout the year has 1 or 2 models in your size, that's it. There are no big selections around here.

Pretty much what I've noticed, and this is an especially bad time to be looking for RBK, CCM or NBH Supreme skates, no one is stocking them, and they are basically sold out, or close to it, at the warehouse.. Bad timing for me to a point, although 3 weeks ago they were in stock if HZ would have ordered them.

I was in Cinci, OH on a business trip last week and called every shop in the Cinci and Columbus area and no one had supreme 50s or 70s in 8.0D up there either.

OK just talked to Allen @ Rinkside, he found a pair of skates that he's ordered for me. :thumbup: They won't be here in time so he's hooking me up with a loaner pair for this saturday.

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I don't play in a league right now, but it will probably be in C or B league at TBSA. I am just regaining confidence in my left leg again after an ACL surgery in May.

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I don't play in a league right now, but it will probably be in C or B league at TBSA. I am just regaining confidence in my left leg again after an ACL surgery in May.

Ouch, I haven't had to go through that, a few friends have though, not fun from what I've been told :( Hope you get back into it :thumbup:

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