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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Great Skate Hockey

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I was surfing the net and came across the Great Skate Hockey store. I am wondering if this is only an online store because i couldn't seem to find any store locations. If somebody could let me know where i could find their store, it would be greatly appreciated.


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They are a weird business with extremely high prices and are definitely not what I would consider what people call a Pro Shop. They sell retail equipment and have a skate sharpening machine. I called and asked if when I was in town if they could put some LS2s on my Grafs they said no we can only replace the same holders that are on there under warranty we are not allowed to do custom jobs....wtf is that shit? I never heard of any garbage like that. Not to mention their prices are.....for the sake of being nice, a little off.

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Most of them don't know what they're doing. There's the odd exception, but they're just not hockey people.

Don't get me started on their sharpenings, either; we fix a LOT of their fuck-ups.

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They have some things you might need, but I try never to go there. Their staff could care less, and the prices are not cheap. I like Front Row any day of the week. I agree with LkptTiger 100%.

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i have ordered a few times from them and got my order fast. they dont have the selection as hockey monkey or some other stores but they are ok i think

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I've also had a bad experience with them. Called to ask a few questions, and when they found out I was calling from Norway they quickly said they don't deal with international orders and hung up on me. Never any problems with others so far. They'll never hear form me again.

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