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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Axles Coming Loose

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I have the Tour E2's with the single axles. I tighten them as far as they can go before every game/practice but within half an hour, they are pretty loose. Is there a way to stop this from happening?


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Try some Loc-tite on the threads. You can get it at any hardware store.

Get the blue, not the red.

Yeah likewise...otherwise youll need a torch to get those suckers out of there in the future. OR try teflon tape.

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Blue loc-tite is probably your best bet, although I have had some problems with some brands. I also had some success using super glue. I just put a very small drop on the threads and then screwed them in. It kept the axles tite and I was able to get them off when I wanted to. I really have only does this once or twice though (on some old outdoor skates) and I was careful to only apply a small amount.

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Yeah likewise...otherwise youll need a torch to get those suckers out of there in the future. OR try teflon tape.

I'll second that. Both not using the red locktite, as well as being able to use the teflon tape. Just make sure you wrap the teflon tape on there in the correct direction.

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