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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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fuel 85 shoulders

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how do the fuel 85 shoulders fit? i prefer shoulder pads that are bulky and plenty protective, rather than light, fragile bauer pads.

im picky about all my protective being the same brand lol, i dont want to be a billboard for 10 different companies... i like what i have heard about the fuel shins and would like to get some opinions on the shoulders.

thanks guys

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I'm 5'8'' 176lbs and have the Fuel 85's in a small, they are not bulky but are very protective. Although they aren't like some shoulder pads where you can barely tell if someone is wearing them. You'll feel a high shot in the chest or back but it won't do any damage. They have a nice ab protector that you can take off depending on how your pants fit. The shoulders are solid, but like I said I wouldn't call them bulky. They are a great pad along with the entire Fuel 85 line (I have shins and elbows as well).

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