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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Profiling Question

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Hey guys,

Must admit that even though I've been skating for about 20 years I really am not very knowledgable at all when it comes to sharpening/profiling my skates. I kind of understand the concepts from a theoretical standpoint, but as far as the actual mechanics of sharpening a blade I've never done it and have no idea what happens really.

So, my problem is that over the last few months something just hasn't felt right with my Vapor XXX's. It sort of feels like I just don't have enough blade in contact with the ice (from what I understand that means my radius is too short, right?), my stability is pretty bad and I find myself falling over more often than I should be, and I suspect I am too far back on my heels. I don't know if something is up with my skates, or if I've just been playing non-contact for so long that I've lost a lot of my strength on the puck.

Anyways, basically my question is, is it possible that someone has messed up the radius or pitch on my steel during a sharpening? As I mentioned, I have no real idea how sharpening works, so I don't know if it's possible for someone to mess up the radius or pitch during just a regular sharpening, but I suspect that it is.



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It is quite possible that the pitch and/or profile has been altered due to bad sharpening.

Go get them profiled; the LHS should be able to suggest a decent starting point, then you can have them adjusted as needed from there.

Almost all of the answers can be found in this thread:

One90 transition and Profiling...

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