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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Lord ZipLock

Synergy 1300 toe chipping

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So the other day i blocked a shot with the toe of my skate (synergy 1300), some of the felt there was ripped before but after word there were chips of the carbon fiber coming off the toe... so i removed a little of the felt and applied some a&r toe guard,

however it wouldn't really apply well kept dripping off...

what do you guys think any other ideas it doesn't look too bad but there was a very thin inch by half inch piece of fiber that was hanging by a thread..., also if i press fairly hard on the toe i can hear a churching noise...

i will try to take pictures at the rink tomorrow

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I have 2 pairs of Synergy 800c skates. After very light usage the toe caps started chipping. I have seen Synergy skates at my LHS waiting to get sharpened that are almost white at the toecap. I loved the Synergy but that toecap crunched the hell out of my toes, even at 1/2 size up from the size I should fit in. Easton really needs to re-think that toecap, a bad design on an otherwise great fitting ( for me anyway) skate.

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