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Ask a very stupid question.....

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"How scary was that...?"

"How did you feel...?"

C'mon. At least ask something like..."Have you ever seen anything like that before..."? You're gonna get the same answer...without looking like a heartless prick.

"no, I haven't....it's scary. Thoughts are with our teammate...it's not about hockey right now..." all that stuff...

I'm a journalism major and one of the first lessons is to ask questions that can't be answered "yes" or "no" but instead force the subject to elaborate. IMO this is the shitty part of being a member of the media. It's hard to ask questions after tragic events w/o looking like an asshole.

We were taught that too...ask open ended questions...not closed questions (yes or no)....but in sports...even when you ask a yes or no...a player/coach will almsot always go beyond that...

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The media could always do some work before the cameras roll.

Explain why they ask the questions that they do and prepare the person that they interview.

That's not going to happen though.

It's not just about drama, it's also about time constraints.

We can look back now, and rethink the question and the answer.

At the time it all happened, there was no time to come up with the right question, or the right answer.

We cannot fault the person/poeple that did the interview, nor can we fault the response from Jokinen.

It's a situation that does not afford the luxury of time, planning or preparedness.

We all know how he feels (at least anyone that has a heart).

Frankly, it's been a couple weeks since the incident and I STILL have not come up with a solution on how to get Jokinen's thoughts on the matter(I'm in sales and often times find myself questioning different solutions).

Tough situation.

Personally, IMO, it goes something like this...

"We know you're torn up about what happened, here's my card. Call me with updates on his condition or just call if you need to vent your frustration."

"we're her for you"

Sadly, that's (as stated previously) that's not the way it works.

Fans demand stories, the media delivers.

That's why we have MSH!

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