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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rusted Chrome Cage

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I have a Bauer TruVision Chrome cage for a couple of years and I have noticed more and more rust on it. I'm pretty sure its just aestethic...

Would rust ever be a reason to get a new cage?

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rust means a weakened metal structure, it's a metal structure that protects your face... It's up to you.

You can clean up the rust and seal it, if it's only surface rust... at that point not enough damage has happened to weaken the bars.

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at my work, i have access to the sandblaster. i blast all the rust and old paint off, then primer it and finally finish it off with rustoleum gray. if you don't have access to a sandblaster, you will spend A LOT of time trying to get all of the rust and old paint/chrome off.

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Again, if it's surface rust only, you can remove it. Steel wool and a bit of elbow grease should do the trick. If it's starting to pit or bubble, you should probably replace it.

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