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Hockey muscle exercises...

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Let me begin by saying I did a search but couldn't find any threads about this. I hope it's not a re-thread. So I'm getting back into play hockey (inline) for the first time in many years. I'll be jumping into my first season since I was like 12, a long time. I've played a couple pick up games the past few weeks and the shifts are generally really long, upwards of 5 minutes. My upper legs and abs, specifically the side muscles that connect front to back,(and sometimes my back) get fatigued pretty quickly, as do my knees.

I know deadlifts and squats might be good for this, but am looking for any exercise that will help me with my explosiveness and muscle endurance. Thanks in advance.

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You are pretty late, sir.

Honestly, when your season starts in about 2 weeks, it doesnt make sense to start now. You will just be a tad MORE tired and exhausted.

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I just started using this one. Lots of core, balance, strength, and flexibility exercises.

TRX Suspension Trainer

Looks cool, but i personally dont trust those homeshopping machines. I either just bodyweight exercises or head to a gym.

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Thanks for the info, guys. It's only one game per week (there's a pick up game too some weeks) so I will have time to sneak in a mid-week heavy workout.

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"you read the L.T. article in Men's Fitness, I take it? I was thinking of grabbing one, but all the support in my home is too old and haggard."

I didn't see the article, but it was recommended to me by some military friends. One of them is a Navy SEAL officer, and he just ordered a bunch of them for the SEAL team he's on.

It has a strap that you can use to attach it to a doorway, so you can use it just about anywhere, even on a tree, or a post. It fits in a small bag that you can take just about anywhere. I'm going on a trip this weekend, and I'm just going to throw it in my suitcase.

"Looks cool, but i personally dont trust those homeshopping machines. I either just bodyweight exercises or head to a gym."

It's all bodyweight exercise. You can vary the angle of your body to change the intensity. Even my kids have been using it, and you don't have to change any settings on the thing for different users.

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