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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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B. Brooks pattern

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I bought a new 7V* sickick the other day with a RH B.Brooks pattern. I have attached a picture picture of the curve and side by side with a pro-stock Brett Hull curve, the Hull is on the left.

As best as I can describe it, it's shaped like a Sakic with a big blade and a round toe, and a curve as big as a Coffey, but then opens up a lot more than a Coffey. I love the brett Hull pro stock curve, and I can't find those anymore, so I decided to try this one, with the added bonus of this Brooks pattern being a taller and bigger blade than the Hull. As some of you know, the Hull blade is rather thin and shaped like a banana.

Do any of you know who B. Brooks is? Also, does anyone know if there is a manufacturer who makes a replacement blade like this? I mean, Hockey Monkey has a huge selection of pro-stock Warrior replacement blade, but I have no clue what the curves look like by just looking at the 2 dozens or so player names listed as available as far as curve shapes go. Can anyone possibly shed some light on that?





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Pretty sure its Brenden Brooks. He played here in Peoria and had a similar curve. I had one of his 7k's (the blue and white model) So the 7v was probably from the next year when he was in Grand Rapids

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