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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Washington DC metro area rinks

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Random question, but out of these rinks (they are the closest rink besides my home rink) do any of them carry a large/good amount of Eagle Gloves? I'm looking to get some and i can't remember which ones have them (my home rink doesn't have them).

I already did a dealer search on Eagle's website and it came up with the Ashburn ice House and Tier 1 Training in Fairfax(i am assuming thats a rink). Once again I'm looking to try on/ buy (if the colors are right).


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I will likely be at kettler next week again (we got put out of the playoffs last thursday, so no game tonight).

I will check then, but I'm almost positive they only carry CCM/Bauer/RBK brands, and Itech goalie stuff along with the other 3 brands

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I'm moving to Gaithersburg myself and wanted to get the lowdown. Has anything changed? Any other comments or suggestions?

I'll say this though, sure looks expensive. I'm coming from the land of $5 drop-ins and $5 sharpenings.

I've been playing for 2 years now (33 YO). We don't have ABCD here, but I'm thinking I'm C caliber from what I am hearing. Any advice for a new guy trying to find his place in a new rink?

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No everything still holds for the rinks listed. Welcome to DC: where rush hour for the weekend starts on Thursday afternoon and NOTHING is cheap.

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