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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tour Code-1s: Is this considered a defect?

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I purchased a pair of Code-1s back in December and have worn them twice. I noticed the right chassis is not aligned straight with the cut out portion under the boot, it is mounted at an angle (outward, compared the left which is straight) by about 1/4". I e-mailed Tour probably a month and a half ago but never got a response. Im wondering if I should just have them re-mounted so that they are straight...? Any input?

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If its off that much, yes remount...BUT if you bought them new I would definatly try to recontact TOUR to get them remounted...Try searching for a TOUR contact here, or try mailing them again.

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If its off that much, yes remount...BUT if you bought them new I would definatly try to recontact TOUR to get them remounted...Try searching for a TOUR contact here, or try mailing them again.

tour17 is his name here

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FYI Tour's customer support is lacking. I inquired why the ankle padding on my Code 1's was so lacking and they said that by the time the ankle padding is worn out, so should the rest of the boot. I assured them that this isn't the case and that teamates of mine have similar issues with ankle padding/discomfort in Tour boots and they blew me off.

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Most companies and people will react better if you call them. It's easy to pass over an email, but you can't just ignore someone on the phone. You're probably going to get quicker service too, because you can both ask/answer questions right there, instead of writing back and forth. PMing the guy on here is just going to add one more step to the process. You're better off just calling.

Their phone number is 217-324-3001. The office is in Illinois, so they're on central time.

Also, if you bought it local, go back and talk to the shop. They probably won't straight-up replace it for you, but they can help steer you in the right direction.

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PMing the guy on here is just going to add one more step to the process. You're better off just calling.

99% of the time that is correct, but this board just has a way of connecting with the manufacturers. The guys from tour have not been as active as Justin was in the past for Mission, but they are around and responsive enough that a PM to them might be a good bet here.

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