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Nike's sale of Bauer

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What do you guys feel this means for the sport? Granted, Im sure not many even knew Bauer was owned by Nike, but the implications here are pretty substantial I think. The article even made the Wall Street Journal last week and basically Nike said hockey has no profitability and would only hinder their growth aspirations. Just wondering what you guys think about this...

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you're not breaking any rules, but there are many threads on this topic, and the only one to remain open is the first (which is the biggest). You're new and thats fine, but there are "standards" (for lack of a better term) that we follow here, including not making a topics for something that has been discussed heavily already. read the stickies, and you'll get a better idea of how things work. although this is a free online resource, there must be some structure to keep things running smoothly

Here is the first:


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Im not a newb to message boards and know that "Search is your friend," which I did, but only came up with a chat transcript. However, as you have posted, it has been discussed and I see the first link you sent has the sort of discussion I was interested in reading.

Sorry for the repost and thanks for the links.

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glad to help.

searching is an art, there are techniques that can help you find what you are looking for more easily: like quotes, + signs for multiple words, and the various options on the right side of the screen

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you're not breaking any rules, but there are many threads on this topic, and the only one to remain open is the first (which is the biggest). You're new and thats fine, but there are "standards" (for lack of a better term) that we follow here, including not making a topics for something that has been discussed heavily already. read the stickies, and you'll get a better idea of how things work. although this is a free online resource, there must be some structure to keep things running smoothly

Here is the first:


and the others:



great post, much more helpful than the first one.

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