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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey DeVoTee

Dying Wheel Hubs

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Do your wheels even last long enough to make this time well spent?

mine sure dont.

I am tearing up RR MB816's really fast. The micro bearing hub doesn't have enough structure to support my 210 lbs. I have already broken a core or two, and others are showing signs of compromised structural integrity.

To their credit, Dave @ RinkRat took my call and sent me 8 new wheels gratis.

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I am tearing up RR MB816's really fast. The micro bearing hub doesn't have enough structure to support my 210 lbs. I have already broken a core or two, and others are showing signs of compromised structural integrity.

I had that same problem when i got my he9500s. Too bad that was long before i even realized there were warranties, customer service, or this forum. They seem like good wheels, but the hubs just don't seem that durable for big people. (*edit* I'm 235-245lbs)

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I'm not too sure the MB816 hubs were durable for anyone. The wheels were great but I broke a couple of hubs too and I am only 150 lbs. on a good day.

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