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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I just had a fw questions about Paypal cuz I'd like to get an account.First of all where does the money you pay to people comefrom(creditcard?).Second when people deposit money in your account how do you get the money in hand?? Also what are the costs??for like deposiiting/taking out ect...

thx in advance for the help.

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I just had a fw questions about Paypal cuz I'd like to get an account.First of all where does the money you pay to people comefrom(creditcard?).Second when people deposit money in your account how do you get the money in hand?? Also what are the costs??for like deposiiting/taking out ect...

thx in advance for the help.

When you pay it comes from either a bank account or a credit card. When someone pays you, you can leave it in your account and pay other poeple from that balance, deposit the money straight into your checking (if you request them to do so), or get them to send you a check. The comission is approximately 3-4%.

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That depends on what type of account you have. You'll have to read paypal's FAQ's if you want a more specific answer. I'm not exactly sure how they calculate it.

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You can have a "personal" account that can receive money without fees. You just can't accept money from a credit card (You have to upgrade to premiere account to accept CCs, that's when they start charging you fees). You have to specify to a buyer that you'll accept non-CC paypal payments only (they pay from a checking account or paypal balance).

I think they also charge a fee to both account types for curreny conversion.

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