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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sticks Decision

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I can't decide between a XXX lite (my current stick), a XXXX, a SE ELite, or an S17. Can you give me any thoughts you have on what stick i should choose. Thanks!

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Well, I think it's a brick. And I'm not a weight whore, but it just felt heavy to me. Performs like a XXX-Lite, maybe it being heavier helps with durability, idk. I don't like it. Might just seem heavy since my Dolo's are feather's though.

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i'm gonna have to go with the Easton SE for right now. Over the long run, i'd have to choose the S17 because of the massive sellouts of the 85 flex. The 100 is pretty whippy too, but the kickpoint is a bit different. Once the demand is over, it will be alright. I've never tried a XXX but i know that the XXXX breaks right after the one month warrenty.

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easton SE are brutal in durability it is a newer version of the easton SL.

yeah its super light weight and all but it lacks durability.

the s17 from what i hear tends to break really fast. but then again its the luck of the draw. looks cool.

the vapor xxxx really dampens the shock when the puck hits your blade on a hard pass. a lot more feel for the puck with the vapor xxxx compaired to the xxx-lite.

it comes down to personal preference, they all kinda have a different feel to them, find one that you like.

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I've never tried a XXX but i know that the XXXX breaks right after the one month warrenty.

Ya, for sure?

always. every time.

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