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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate outsole cracked

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woahh! How that happen dude? Btw your skate looks sick! with the yellow laces and the black t-blades I see your rocking them. But it does sucks. It looks like a chip... But, definately go back to where you bought it and go for the warranty?

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no idea what happened... i play defense, so i get hit in the feet a lot i guess.. i dont remember anything particularly bad happening...

if you look at the 2nd picture, you can see there's a piece that fell out, as well as a 1cm crack extending forward. i play tonight... should i use these? the sole looks so brittle i'm afraid they'll crack in a more significant way next.

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I think you should just use them and see if it damages any further just dont block shots again or else something bad might really happen.. if it does keep happening replace it with warrenty!

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I had similar damage which caused the toe cap to start digging into the side of my big toe because that area became less resistant to twisting. It might not be an issue for you if you keep your laces tight at the bottom. My skates had to go since that wasn't an option for me.

If the warranty doesn't work out for you, I'd see what your LHS says. If all else fails, perhaps try krazy glue for the crack and some reinforced epoxy?

BTW, nice looking skates!

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i dont know if warranty will cover it since u put t-blades on them. but hey its always a good idea to give it a try.

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i dont know if warranty will cover it since u put t-blades on them. but hey its always a good idea to give it a try.

Could the people that put the t-blades on have done something to cause this?

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i dont know if warranty will cover it since u put t-blades on them. but hey its always a good idea to give it a try.

Could the people that put the t-blades on have done something to cause this?

it's possible, but it's not near anywhere on the sole the drilled, so i'd say it's unlikely. these skates were available with t-blades... mine just didnt come with them.

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My old Vector 6's cracked in the same spot after 2-3 skates. The LHS I bought them from gave me a replacement pair...I didn't have to deal with CCM.

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