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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Fit Help

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Need help getting the right size skate. I have 8 1/2 feet althought the left foot is slightly smaller than the right. Regular instep, regular width, no add protrusions anywhere. Whenever I get fitted for skates the LHS puts me in a 7d. Problem is I never get a good heel lock. I've tried about 7 diff, skates over 7 years and can't seem to get it right.

Most recently I've worn Mission s500 in a 7d (slightly tight on the right, fine on the left). After the tendon guards ripped, I tried Graf 705's in a 6.5D. Problem is a get terrible pain in both big toes. Iv'e tried every possible way of tying my skates, but if I loosen them it feels like my feet are swimming.

I am going to try some old Bauer Vapor XIX (6.5D)I have. I put shock doctors in and wear with no socks and they feel much better than anything I've tried. I'dd also mention that I have tried the pencil test and the Bauer's and Graf's both fail slightly.

Sorry for the long post, I'm just getting tired of tying my skates a zillion different ways to get the right fit. Any ideaz what I'm doing wrong?

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Graf 735 / G35 may be worth a look. Narrow heel of 703 and medium fore-foot of 705. You can try them in larger size 7d or 7.5d so your fore-foot wont be so cramped and still have your heel locked due to the narrow heel design.

As for your foot size variation, maybe you could splash out on some custom Grafs?

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I'm not sure if the pain is from tying the laces or from my toes hitting the toe cap. On my right foot, my toe barely touches the inside of the cap and on the left it is just short. However, they may be getting cramped when I'm actually playing.

It seems maybe I should start listening to the LHS and try and 7D skates and try tightening a little differently.

What are the chances the LHS can help out on sending the skates back? I know that they have been baked and sharpened, but they fit fine when I was in the shop and I certainly didn't want to buy too big a skate at the time.

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i have the same problem as you, and i think i solved it. i was in a pair of graf 703 6w, my big toe on my right foot hurt for days after a game, i went to my lhs and got fitted they recommended a graf 735 6.5 w. they told me it was 703 heel, which is narrow but with a wider forefoot. tried on a 6 and i could feel my big toe touching the toe cap right away and they recommended a 6.5 so right now i am just waiting for my order to come. i dunno if that helps

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