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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JJ Thompson94

anyone ever take a robbie glantz clinic

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I took one about ten years ago. I thought it was a great class. I've probably forgotten just about everything I learned in the class only because I stopped playing for almost eight years a few months after I took the class. I still think it was a worthwhile class to take, however. He's an excellent instructor.

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I took it and probably didn't realize the benefits of it until later on in life. I took the class about 5 years ago and had a great time. They work you pretty hard, but they keep it interesting and do a lot of uncommon drills. The one thing they did do was put a lot of emphasis on your skating stance. They force you to skate lower past your comfort zone to really get the full leg extension in your stride. It was awkward at first for me because I was an upright skater, but now when I play I skate really low to the ice. You should have a great time and learn a lot. They have a drill where they physically attach you to another skater with this 'rubber band' for lack of a better word, and make you skate full speed with him attached to you and he is at a dead stop. Then you will get to a point where you can barely skate from the resistance and he starts skating. The guy will usually go flying because the rubber band is outstrectched and it rips him up the ice. Pretty fun though and definitely beneficial to you. Have a blast...

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