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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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shawn o

Odd skate feel after new blades installed...

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I had a new pair of blades put on my XXX skates last week and just skated on them. They are Tuuk LS2 solid runner blades and the feel odd compared to my old ones.

I'm not sure what I needed to tell my sharpener, but I DID tell him they were brand new blades.

Thanks for any help!

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because they have only been sharpened once there may be a slight hight differance compaired to the older blades or if you had preforated blades( i think thats what you call them (they ones with the holes)) in before do you still or have you gotten solids.

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Same thing happened to me. I switched from perforated to solid blades and felt like i was sliding all over the place. Have the LHS resharpen them, they should feel a lot better the second time around

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check your old blades to see if the radius changed at all and you just got used to it. If the old blades were really sharpened alot they could have changed. Now with the new ones, if you did not have any changes made they would be stock. I hope I'm using the proper terms but it happened to me.

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