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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Selanne Rh blade

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I cant find this blade anywhere.. I know tps used to make it. .but does anyone know a shop that might have some? or possibly a curve close to it? Peranis had it near me.. but in LH

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i know tps used to make a selanne one peice. there is a website of some guy who has his game used stick on there.. but anyways... its a big brick basically. square toe.. long hosel. .. heres an example of another game used blade.. looks to be an inno though..source_506_1488.jpg

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It is/was a pro-stock so Peranis would only have it in RH, the way he shoots. EWH used to have his Responses on there but no more. Go to play it again, find an old kayak paddle and buy it. Heat it up to a RH curve and that's about as close as it gets.

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I used to use a Selanne Titan curve. The closest thing I could find to it was the CCM Recchi curve. The toe isn't quite the same, but the curve seemed pretty close to me. You may want to give that a try.

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