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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Different Chassis on skates

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Got a dented left chassis on my current primary pair of skates. 2 alternative are:

- change the chassis on both skates

- swap out one with another chassis that I've got laying around

I've currently got a set of Mission Predator chassis mounted on my Easton 1200c, and the left one is dented. I've got a set of Sherwood Eframes that I've been saving for another pair of skates, but I've also got one half of a MG Chassis. Can I actually have a different chassis on the skates? would it work?

I've looked at both the MG and the Predator, and the axle holes seem to match up, but not sure of the pitch of the skates and how it will throw off skating.

Worst case would be to mount the eframes, and see how it goes?

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Got a dented left chassis on my current primary pair of skates. 2 alternative are:

- change the chassis on both skates

- swap out one with another chassis that I've got laying around

I've currently got a set of Mission Predator chassis mounted on my Easton 1200c, and the left one is dented. I've got a set of Sherwood Eframes that I've been saving for another pair of skates, but I've also got one half of a MG Chassis. Can I actually have a different chassis on the skates? would it work?

I've looked at both the MG and the Predator, and the axle holes seem to match up, but not sure of the pitch of the skates and how it will throw off skating.

Worst case would be to mount the eframes, and see how it goes?

I would say it would probubly work, but it would be a funny feeling skating...Personally I wouldnt take the chance and just mount another set of matching frames..

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I would just replace both frames with a pair of matching frames. Especially since you have a set of e-frames laying around.

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Yeah, with two different frames you run the risk of messing up your stride, or at the absolute worst somehow hurting yourself by throwing off joint alignment because one might be slighty higher/lower than the other.

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