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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Using a tapered shaft upside down.

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Is it OK to use a tapered shaft upside down? I understand that the shaft has a "kickpoint".

I never really put much faith in that stuff, thinking while there may be slight improvement it is negligble that and always belived it to be marketing BS.

Just wondering what other peoples opinions and expierences are?

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same as flipping a broken OPS, you should be fine unless you're rediculously picky with your sticks, then you may notice the top (where your hand is on the taper) is a little flexier. I've been using a flipped synergy sl for about a year now and i love it, you should be fine.

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The flex point is noticeably different - for most, in a bad way.

The OPS these days have a very low engineered kickpoint, thus flipping the stick will place that flexion area near your hand - it would feel like a different stick entirely.

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Well, if you think it's alll marketing BS, why would you even buy a tapered shaft? They are MUCH more expensive than a standard shaft.

no its not. usually only ten bucks or so. maybe he wanted to just try one, maybe the blade broke and all he has is an extra regular blade.

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