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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Stretching

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prolly only a 1/2 size - unless you want to damage the skates. I had my Missions roller hockey skates stretched about 7 years ago - and I could tell that they heated it so much that the toe cap started to disconnect from the boot - you could see a gap. But now with these new "heat moldable" skates maybe they can stretch them a full size.

What kind of skate do you want stretched??

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from what I hear you have to be careful in streaching a full size, because when streatching too much - the skate will also get more narrow. Think of pulling a piece of taffy, as it gets longer it gets thinner....

Yes, Vapor XX's are at least moldable in the ankle area, I think they could squeeze 1/2 size out of them.

As far as Grafs, all skates can be streached with enough pressue and heat.

What the LHS usually does, is they put a metal shaped foot inside your skates. This metal foot can be "Cranked" so it gets bigger and/or wider. As the employee cranks it up, they also put a little heat to the skate with a blow dryer or heat gun. For stubborn skates, they leave it in this state overnight to make the streach more permenent. Good luck

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