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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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...McCain for President?

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  zanman187 said:
If you want the draft to be reinstated in order to fulfill future troop requierments in Iraq (and probably Iran), then by all means vote for McCain.
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Then why is it only democrats ever talk about a draft? For what it's worth, he's also the only candidate whose child is in the military. He understands firsthand what it means to send someone's child into harms way.

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  Chadd said:
  zanman187 said:
If you want the draft to be reinstated in order to fulfill future troop requierments in Iraq (and probably Iran), then by all means vote for McCain.
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Then why is it only democrats ever talk about a draft? For what it's worth, he's also the only candidate whose child is in the military. He understands firsthand what it means to send someone's child into harms way.

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Not to mention he's the only one who either served in the military, has an immediate family member who served, or (egads) was married to someone who served.

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